Acne During Pregnancy

Acne breakouts during pregnancy are an extremely common phenomena for women who have experienced acne sometime in their lives before. Women who have suffered from adult acne are at a higher risk of developing acne during pregnancy, but the intensity of the acne condition may vary. Some women may experience mild acne, while others may…

Is My Cold Sore A Pimple?

Though they look similar, cold sores and pimples are two separate entities and vary greatly. It is hence, important to understand the difference between the two so that you don’t mis-diagnose the condition and confuse the treatments for both. What Do Cold Sores Look Like? Cold sores appear near the mouth, nose and inside the…

T-Zone Whiteheads

Most of the time, whiteheads or closed comedones are found around the nose, the forehead and the chin region of the face – commonly known as the T-Zone area. These pimples are a lot different from other acne eruptions, because whiteheads contain pus of white or yellowish color. Whiteheads form close to the surface of…

6 Unfamiliar Causes Of Acne

Turns out, your hormones cannot always be blamed! Some of habits that you were not conscious of, could be the leading causes behind those bothersome zits. Find out what these 6 unfamiliar causes of acne are. 1) Smoking Researchers at the San Galliciano Dermatological Insitute in Rome have brought forth evidence that smoking has a…

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